How often are we practicing are good habits to change or eliminate our bad?
The more we practice the good the more it becomes automatic…
We get what we give!
MAD - A&E - 1%
How often are we practicing are good habits to change or eliminate our bad?
The more we practice the good the more it becomes automatic…
We get what we give!
MAD - A&E - 1%
Do we know the struggles and obstacles we overcome makes us stronger and more confident?
Remember that obstacles make us stronger…
No pain No gain!
MAD - A&E -1%
Can we be flexible and creative when our plans are disrupted?
Back up, gather up, regroup and re-launch…
Try and try again and try again!
MAD - Make A Difference
A&E - Attitude & Effort
1% Better Everyday
to fast casual answers to live an intentional life.